Balíčky Basic a Premium se vztahují na focení nebo na natáčení.
Balíček Combo zahrnuje focení i natáčení v jedné osobě (ano, jde to stihnout, můžete se přesvědčit na blogu ZDE).

Packages and their prices are approximate, feel free to reach out with your ideas and I will customize a package just for your wedding day.

Package Basic

500 EUR

Premium Package

800 EUR

Combo Package

1300 EUR

 V ceně není započítána doprava mimo Prahu. Pro všechny služby je požadován nevratný rezervační poplatek 3000 Kč.

How does it work?

In the framework of cooperation, I place maximum emphasis on respecting your wishes and ideas. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, suggestions or requests. 


Po rezervaci termínu je zaslána smlouva o dílo, která zavazuje obě strany ke spolupráci. Na mém webu je možné si prohlédnout mou dosavadní práci a udělat si představu.


Every wedding is unique, so I need to discuss the flow of your wedding day, as well as your ideas for photos or video, so I know how to direct the outcomes.


At a wedding I try to blend in as much as possible with the guests and not interfere with the flow of your day. During the portrait session I try to create a friendly atmosphere so that you can enjoy the shoot.

Hand over

After the wedding, I am working hard to process all the material. Of course, in accordance with the ideas that emerged from our conversations before the wedding. I send photos or videos within 1 month of the wedding.